Administration : Reports : User Report Definitions : Show additional field information
Show additional field information
At the top of the Report definitions and settings window, the Show additional information option is available. By enabling this option, the various field names of the fields belonging to the active business object will become visible in Available fields.
The Name column displays the field names chosen by your organization (your own 'translation');
The System name column displays the field names given by Planon ;
The Database name column displays the field names used in the database;
The Field type column displays the technical characterizations of the fields, for example a String (text) field or a Boolean (yes/no) field.
*You can also include system fields in your report definition. These fields are recognizable by the symbol.
If fields have been transferred to Selected fields, the complete field information becomes visible in Settings, once you select the field concerned. The complete field information of the selected field is displayed here if the Show additional information option is enabled.