Import spaces
Threshold new space dimensions
Specify a value. If the difference between the net or gross area of the database and drawing is above this threshold value, then a new space size/usage unit linked to a floor instance is created on the effective date of the import. Otherwise, a new space size/usage instance is created on the effective date of the import.
New space size / usage after data change?
Select Yes to create a new space dimensions / space usage record on the effective date of the import, after any data change on space dimensions / space usage. A data change is typically caused by the import of one of the mapped fields in the Drawing definition.
Select No to update the existing space dimensions / usage.
*If the data change causes the new space dimensions to exceed the set threshold value, this setting is not taken into account. In that case, new space dimensions and usage records are created, regardless of this setting.
End spaces
Select Yes to end spaces that are no longer present in the drawing on the effective date of import.
Resume spaces
Select Yes to resume spaces that are ended in the database, but are visible again in the drawing.
Resume workspaces
Select Yes to automatically resume the ended workspaces of a resumed space. This field can only be enabled if you have selected Yes in Resume spaces.
Space code wildcard filter
Specify a code to filter spaces from an imported drawing. Planon ProCenter imports only those spaces whose space code matches with the code specified in this field. The following wildcards are supported:
?: any single character
*: either 0 or more characters