Persons who are registered in the Personnel TSI.
Data on personnel includes information on a person's current space, workspace, department or cost center. If a person is moving to another space or building, a move request with move lines can be added in Moves which can be linked to this person. This person's move lines can subsequently be combined into move orders.
Move capacity
Building managers either employ internal staff to help with the relocation of people or they may hire external contractors. In any case, each property will have a maximum number of personnel that can be moved by the available relocation staff on a specific date.
In Planon, this is called Move capacity, a feature that allows you to specify and verify the available move capacity for a property / campus on a particular date and plan any moves accordingly.
In the Move settings TSI, you can enable a setting that takes the move capacity into account when adding move lines. For personnel move lines you can also specify from which property the capacity needs to be deducted in move capacity calculations.
Adding a move capacity record for a property
You can decide whether you want to consider the move capacity of a building when moving personnel. Move capacity is a property's maximum number of personnel that can be moved on a specific date.
1. Go to Components > Move capacity.
2. Click Add on the action panel.
3. In the dialog box that appears, select the Property for which you want to add the move capacity and click OK.
4. In the data section, complete the relevant fields.
5. Click Save.
6. The Move capacity is added for the property on the specified date.
If there is no capacity specified for a property on a certain date, Planon will check the capacity of the main property and the capacity will be deducted from the main property accordingly.
The move capacity is updated based on the move lines added on the specified date. The used capacity and available capacity fields are also modified accordingly.
Any move capacity related warnings and errors are displayed only if the field Take capacity into account? is enabled in the Move settings TSI.
If a move order is generated from a move request's move line, the move line will be considered only once with regard to the move capacity.
Specifying move capacity via Move capacity wizard
If you want to specify the move capacity for a property, on multiple dates, it would be very time consuming to add the capacity details for each date. In that case, the Move capacity wizard enables you to create multiple capacity records for a property. In the Move capacity wizard, you can specify the move frequency, start-end date, and number of occurrences.
1. In the Moves TSI, go to the Components selection level and select the Move capacity step.
2. Click Create capacity via wizard on the action panel.
3. In the Move Capacity Wizard that appears, complete the relevant fields.
4. After completing the fields, click OK.
A warning is displayed that existing capacity records on the specified dates will be overwritten with the new capacity record. This overwriting process will run as a background action and will be logged in the log files.
Move capacity records are added for the selected property on the chosen dates.
This table gives a total overview of all:
Move requests
Move orders
Move type
Move request
A move request can be submitted when it is required that personnel move to a different location.
Staff that is authorized to do so can create move requests in Planon ProCenter > Moves. Employees can also use the Self-Service Move request wizard to request a move. Move lines are added to the request, containing all the essential details on the move. After approval by a manager (status Approved), the move lines can be assigned to a standard move order.
Move order
Move orders are added by personnel who are responsible for planning moves. A move order can have suborders, but it cannot be a suborder itself.
Move orders are added by authorized Planon ProCenter users at Move orders & requests.
Move orders that are based on standard move orders can be used to combine the move lines of various move requests into a single move order. For this purpose, there is a special wizard available at Details.
The whole move process can be monitored by means of status transitions. A move order and its move lines contain all the essential details for the move (dates, times, costs etc.).
Standard move request
A standard move request is a per-configured 'template' that you can use to speed up the creation of move requests in the system.
Users can apply standard move requests in Moves, after which a significant amount of move request data is automatically entered that would otherwise have to be entered manually.
Standard move order
A 'template' move order that can be used to speed up entering new move orders in Planon.
Users can apply standard move orders in Moves, after which a significant amount of move order data is automatically entered that would otherwise have to be entered manually.
Details - Move lines
If you are planning a move for employee(s) within your organization, you must first create move lines for them, one line for each employee.
Move lines - personnel include details such as:
the date-time of the move
the date until which the move is taking place
the person with whom someone is going to move (if applicable)
data on the current location of this person
data on the new location of this person
Planon uses the selected Move date-time to check if a destination space is 'active' and available.
Typically, a move line is created to reserve / block a vacant (work)space for an employee. The employee will occupy that (work)space for a certain period in the future. The move line will prevent others from occupying it during the specified period.
Personnel move lines can be linked to both move requests and move orders. After they are planned in a move order, the move lines linked to the move request can no longer be modified, nor deleted.
However, the move lines linked to the move order can still be deleted. In that case, the move line in the request is retained.