This TSI is to set up your Personnel/contacts list and the related details.
The selection level components have the following selection steps:
Employment types
Person types
All the above is detail that can be linked to a person record. The more you define in these lists, the more can linked to a person, the more details can be presented or can be reported on. For example, all the related data of a person can be auto populated when a request is made, a person is linked to a (work-)space occupancy. Reports number of personnel per department, etc.
Employment type
This is a list that holds the type of employment. It is up to the organization to define the final list. The Edition has defined a default list, which can be changed.
Employment type
The Space & Reservation Manager can add, change, or delete employment types.
With positions you can define a list of positions that are applicable for the organization. Each position has the following fields:
Position (= name)
Required surface area
When a surface area is defined this will be used when a person is assigned to a space/workspace. There is a check if it will fit, for example:
Warning message
Person types
A person type classifies how a person interacts with your organization’s work processes. Examples of person types are internal coordinator, external contact person, supervisor, subcontractor, and so on.
You can define a maximum of 10 person types. The Person types selection step enables you to select the defined existing person types within your organization. You can link a person to a person type by selecting a person type in the Person types selection step and then selecting a person from the Personnel selection level.
You can also view personnel of a particular person type. To do so, select a person type from the Components selection level and then go to the Personnel selection level. The link between personnel and person types enables you to retrieve filtered pick lists in other TSIs that contain personnel of a particular person type.
This is typically used in work order management. When a request or work order is to be linked to an Internal coordinator you can choose from a list (personnel list). This list can, based on the linked person type to a person, filter on person type internal coordinator:
Internal coordinator
The list of all internal coordinators is presented: When you deselect the person type filter, all personnel will be presented.
Filter box
This table is to set up a list of all the 3rd party companies, e.g. caterer, service providers, technicians, etc. It can be seen as your vendor address list.
Here you can:
The following layout is available:
Company information
Address type (fixed list of 10 types, works equal as the Person type list)
Address type
Category (pick list to be maintained in Base data (space) > Property pick lists > ADRSOORT
City (List)
Country (list)
Exemption Request (Y/N list)
Blocking (Y/N list)
This table holds all persons (Internal and External) that are created. This list can be created manually, via a bulk import or via an AD interface. The following layout is available:
Personnel detailsPersonnel details
Important fields to mention:
Person type (choose from the list. This helps filtering the list of certain person types, for example the Internal Coordinator)
Main enterprise (when the person is an external)
Organization (when the person is an external)
Property (the main location where the person is allocated to)
Space (can be filled in from the list. Will be overwritten when person is assigned to space/workspace at ‘Occupancy’
Occupancy assignments (this is an overview of the assigned location of this person)
Hide workspace location in app? (This is by default no, if Yes, then on the App colleagues are able to see where the persons (work-)space is located)
Position (choose from list)
Department (choose from list)
Cost center (choose from list)
Employment type (choose from list)
Tariff group (choose from list), see Service Desk user group > Base data (Front desk) > Tariff groups)
Start date (Start date of employment)
The Selection level details has the following selection steps:
In this selection step Visitors, it is possible to add a visitor or add a visitor to an existing reservation. When creating a visitor, the following layout is applicable:
Visitor details
Name internal visitor (person from the personnel list)
External Visitor (create external visitor or select external visitor)
Each visitor can be created in a list so the details can be used for future references.
When selecting an external visitor from the list the name of the visitor will be auto populated (<last name>, <first name>
External visitor
Meeting (auto populated when adding visitor to reservation (reservation to be chosen before creating visitor).
Actual time of arrival (auto populated with the time based on status change to Arrived.
Actual time of departure (auto populated with the time based on status change to Departed.
Workflow Visitor:
Visitor workflow
History is a table that contains data that relates to the selected record and what changes have been made in the past:
By whom?
Related record
What field has been changed?
Old value
New value