Kiosk & booking panel
You can enable end users to view, add, edit, or delete reservations via the Kiosk or Room booking panel touch screen.
First, you need to have a general definition and then you will be able to access the specific settings for Kiosk and Room booking panel. This definition is already available.
See detailed information in Kiosk & Room booking panel PSS definition where you can see what and how you can adjust the settings.
General settings
URL Kiosk
For each Kiosk a URL is required. In the Kiosk settings (see below) multiple settings can be set. These settings will be accountable for all Kiosks of the selected floor.
Site URL
Also, the colors used on the kiosk can be adjusted to customers’ requirements:
When activating a floor on a Kiosk the following URL is used with the Building code and Floor code:
Example: https://<customer>
When activating a reservation unit on a room booking panel the following URL is used with the Building code and Room code:
Example: https://<customer>