Large organizations and multinationals usually consist of multiple subsidiaries and regional branches. This can give rise to a great diversity in working days and opening and closing hours within the organization. Even within a single office building, the various reservable units may have different opening and closing times. This constitutes a challenge for the facilities management department that wants to implement and enforce company-wide rules for opening hours or cleaning hours.
You can configure as many calendars as required in the Calendars TSI. Since a calendar is a hierarchical business object, you can add multiple sub calendars to every main calendar. At level 2 of the hierarchy (the first sublevel), you only need to enter data that deviate from level 1. The same applies to calendars at level 3 (the second sublevel), which will inherit their data from level 2, etc.
You can link different calendars (or one of their sub calendars) to different business objects, such as properties and reservation units (space units and asset units). The dates and times of any orders you may add will be matched against the calendar that is linked to the reservation unit or to the property that is filled in on the order. If there are no calendars linked to the order’s reservation unit or property, they will be matched against the default calendar.