Edition Fundamentals : Reporting : Report settings
Report settings
The following table lists the fields available for report settings.
Print only selected element(s)
Using this option, you can narrow down the number of elements to be printed. Only elements that have been specifically selected from the list will be printed in the report.
Print user name
This option enables you to have your login name printed in the footer of the report.
This option enables you to enter a name for the report.
Print drill down route
If you enable this option, the drill-down route displayed at the top of the elements list on your screen will also be printed in the header of your report.
Print titles and drill-down route on each page
By enabling this option, you have the report title and drill-down route printed on each page of the report.
If you would like to add a subtitle to your report, you can specify one in this field. The subtitle will be placed immediately below the report's main title.
Preview all documents as one file
The preview will be shown in one file for Word mail merge reports.